We are excited to announce the Life is Good Playmaker Project is coming to COCAcon in November! 

Building a Playmaker Movement

1 in 3 kids experience some form of life-threatening adversity like homelessness, abuse, or community violence. Research shows that a positive relationship with just one caring adult in early childhood can change that child's life entirely.

The Playmaker Project puts optimism into practice, providing training and support for a growing network of more than 16,000 professionals who create positive relationships and joy-filled environments that children need to heal, learn and thrive. They are called Playmakers.

Website: https://www.lifeisgood.com/playmakerproject/project-home.html

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LifeisGoodPlaymakerProject/videos


Steve Gross, Founder & Chief Playmaker

Steve Gross, MSW, is a clinical social worker and pioneer in the field of using playful engagement and relationships to overcome the devastating impacts of early childhood trauma. 

Steve founded Project Joy, a nonprofit organization that used the power of joyful play to heal and strengthen homeless and impoverished children throughout Greater Boston, in 1989. In 2011, Life is Good invited Project Joy, now The Playmaker Project, to be the sole social mission of the brand.

Through an outpouring of love, optimism, experience, and expertise, Steve and a trusted team of researchers and colleagues, have spent 30+ years developing the Life is Good Playmaker Project program.







 Ant Toombs, Senior Guide, The Life is Good Playmaker Project 

Breakout Session Title: Help Kids Heal: The 4 Key Ingredients  - this session will be offered twice on Friday- 10:15 am and 2:00 pm)

 Breakout Description: 

We've boiled down 30+ years of field experience into a 4-step framework for building corrective play experiences that help childcare professionals build healing relationships with children. Through a thoughtful blend of fun, experiential activities and discussions, staff will explore ways to enhance joyfulness, social connection, internal control, and active engagement in their work with kids and walk away with concrete tools to apply…well…the very next day.    

Ant at the Life Is Good Festival: https://youtu.be/HcN5mYtI7r0