Camp Sunshine

Camp Sunshine
  • Category: 2023 Specialty Program
  • Submitted by: ContestCreator
  • Name of Entry: What's Next! Planning For College
  • Contact Name: Tenise Newberg
  • Contact Phone: 404-325-7979
  • Entry Background/Description: It is never to early to start thinking about college! It can be an overwhelming task applying to college. Camp Sunshine provides an educational program for high school Juniors and Seniors and their parents, "Planning for College". Camp Sunshine partners with David Graves, University of Georgia's Director of Admissions and Camp Sunshine Volunteer to provide information to help navigate the college admissions process at the Camp Sunshine House. Mr. Graves provides tips on how to choose the college that best fits you, how to create a great essay and encourages families to work together through the admissions process. Camp Sunshine provides additional information on scholarships specifically available for cancer survivors.
  • Why You Should Vote for Me: Camp Sunshine wanted to provide an educational program for campers and parents to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety of preparing for college. Oncology campers and their families have to navigate so many unknows during treatment and we wanted to help provide a strong foundation of knowledge to navigate planning for college that is specifically designed to answer their concerns.