Sunrise Day Camp Association

Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
Sunrise Day Camp Association
  • Category: 2023 Social Media
  • Name of Entry: 1st Annual Camp Counselor Appreciation Day
  • Contact Phone: 516.634.4183
  • Contact Name: Stacey Gross
  • Entry Background/Description: Sunrise Association operates 12 summer camps for children with cancer and their siblings across the globe, offered completely free of charge. As we continue to serve our families and grow, we saw a need that was missing. A day specifically geared towards thanking summer camp counselors for their hard work and dedication to creating a positive and supportive environment.

    The inaugural Camp Counselor Appreciation Day (CCAD) was celebrated on July 7 at all 9 US-based Sunrise Association camps, and included 9 Chicago JCC camps and even an unaffiliated camp in Michigan. The day was filled with hugs, special programs, arts & craft projects and lots of love!

    Our ultimate goal the coming years is for this day to evolve into an annual day of appreciation that is celebrated by all summer camps, everywhere. We hope to attract corporate sponsors, involve celebrities who were former campers, and explore other exciting opportunities in the future.

    Materials: webpage and Canva templates for all
  • Why You Should Vote for Me: Producing new campaigns that make an impact is not always easy, especially in the very saturated social media sphere.

    Creating CCAD was exciting - it's the start of a new tradition that we hope will be seen and used by nonprofit as well as for-profit summer camps. As an organization that runs camps, and with corporate team filled with many adults who were campers and counselors in their youth, we understand the impact these incredible people have on a child's summer and in a lot of cases, their lifetime because those memories never leave us.

    Posts were shared on all the Sunrise Day Camp Association’s Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages to a total audience of 19,600 followers.

    There was a total of:
    42 posts
    1.3k views for hashtag #thankyou
    324 views for #campcounselorday
    19.9k impressions
  • Optional: A link to a supporting PDF file. The file extension must be *.pdf:
  • Optional: A link to a webpage/document, etc.: