Camp Ta-Kum-Ta

Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta
  • Category: 2023 Volunteer Recognition
  • Name of Entry: Volunteer Spotlight!
  • Contact Name: Dina Dattilio
  • Contact Phone: 802-373-0313
  • Entry Background/Description: Each month camp's Volunteer Management Team selects 1 -2 volunteers to spotlight their great work. We email the recipient and ask them to answer 4 questions. How many years at Camp, what they do outside of camp, favorite camp activity and their "why" of volunteering. We collect information about their favorite treat as part of our application process. We send each recipient their favorite treat(s) in the mail as a surprise with a note of appreciation. We then share their photo, some fun facts and their answers to the questions in camp's newsletter as well as on social media.
  • Why You Should Vote for Me: What would our programs be without our volunteers? At Camp Ta-Kum-Ta we’re always looking for ways to recognize and thank our amazing, creative, dedicated, passionate, and fun-loving volunteers! Spotlighting our volunteers each month lets them know how much we appreciate them, and also shows our community how much fun and rewarding it is to volunteer at TKT!

    Here are just a few of the comments from our recipients when they were notified: "What an honor!! Thank you so much for this!" , "I feel so honored by this recognition" , "Wow! Thank you so much! I am honored."