Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)

Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
Camp Delight (Newfoundland, Canada)
  • Category: 2023 Newsletter
  • Name of Entry: Daily Delight Newsletter
  • Contact Phone: 7093309036
  • Contact Name: Rikki Andrews
  • Entry Background/Description: At Camp Delight our campers receive a copy of the Daily Delight newsletter every morning at breakfast. While our intended audience is our campers, you will also find our parents anxiously awaiting an email including their copy of the Daily Delight! Our campers LOVE seeing photos of themselves and reading articles about the awesome adventures they enjoyed the day before. The Daily Delight newsletter is a great way for campers to keep track of the daily schedule at camp, and to reveal their cabin inspection scores. Campers love the trivia (this year it was music themed for Camp Delight Music Fest), and always compete for the right answer to gain points for their challenge team.
  • Why You Should Vote for Me: Camp Delight is the only pediatric oncology camp in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We have a small, volunteer-led team who stays up very late every night editing photos and creating content for the Daily Delight newsletter. We know that this newsletter is a great way for our campers to start their day. And we also know it's everyone's favorite souvenir! Campers and volunteers meticulously keep track of their Daily Delight editions to ensure they save a copy for every day they attend Camp Delight.